
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 23:11:19
Hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life

Youre a discontented mother and a regime
nted wife

Ive no doubt you dream about the things
youll never do
But, I wish someone had talked to me
Like I wanna talk to you.....

Oh, Ive been to Georgia and California a
nd anywhere I could run

I took the hand of a preacher man and we
made love in the sun

But I ran out of places and friendly fac
es because I had to be free

Ive been to paradise but Ive never been
to me

Please lady, please lady, dont just walk

Cause I have this need to tell you why I
m all alone today

I can see so much of me still living in
your eyes

Wont you share a part of a weary heart t
hat has lived million lies....

Oh, Ive been to Niece and the Isle of Gr
eece while Ive sipped champagne on ayach

Ive moved like

这首歌的名字是I've never been myself.是将近40年前的老歌了。

表达的感情其实很简单,就是教导女孩子不要以自由的名义过着放荡的生活,要把握住生活中最简单最平实的快乐,要有做女人的责任心。歌中的主人公年轻的时候十分漂亮,过着放纵自如的生活。这些在歌曲中都有写到。比如说和传教士做爱啊,在皇帝面前宽衣解带,开着游艇炫富啊之类的。等到她老了以后,发现自己曾经快活到了极点,但是人生却不可避免地留下了很多的缺憾,比如歌曲中说的自己没有孩子之类的。所以万分后悔的她出来现身说法,教导另一个女子,不要在年轻的时候过于放纵了,现在你觉得很自由很快乐以后就会懂得什么是甘尽苦来(bitter from the sweet),懂得缺少一分真爱的寂寞了。总之不要在放纵中迷失了自我。


never been to me 邓丽君

Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life 嗨!女士,诅咒著自己一生的女士

Youre a discontented mother and a rich inventive wife 你是个不满现状的母亲,也是个有创意的妻子

Ive no doubt you dream about the things youll never do 对你所梦想的事,我并不怀疑

But I wish someone had talked to me 但我希望能有人来找我谈心

like I wanna talk to you 像我找你谈心一样

Ive been to Georgia and California, 我曾到过乔治亚州和加州

anywhere I could run 和任何我想去的地方

Took the hand