
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:31:58

Ford introduced the family business, Ford Motor Company is the world's largest automotive company. By Mr. Henry Ford was founded in 1903, it is a vehicle to the production of the main lines of business involving electronics, aviation, steel and military industry in such areas as a comprehensive monopoly of transnational industrial group. It was founded in 1901 in the United States in Detroit, currently headquartered in the city of Dearborn, Michigan, workers have a total of 370,000 people. 1908 Ford Motor Company, the world's first to produce a car belonging to the ordinary people of the Model-T, the world automobile industry to start the revolution.
  In 1913, Ford Motor Company has developed the world's first assembly line, so that the first Model T reached a total of 15,000,000, a building has not yet broken the world record. To that end, Mr. Ford the title of "the world fitted with wheels".

  In 1999, "Fortune" magazine named him &