
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 04:57:04
Though the electric snake oil sold for $18 apiece, the company claimed that only three customers had ever taken them up on the money-back guarantee (a safe claim, since complainers would invite the supposition that they had such a tenacious case of impotence that even genitor-electroshock therapy couldn’t cure it). At the turn of the century, company founder Richard Sears, a huckster at heart ,was just as happy selling patent medicines and cheap gewgaws-including “pink pills for pale people ” and $1.95 “Stradivarius” violins-as more useful items like pocket watches and overalls. But his recently added partner , Julius Rosenwald, thought Seare’s approach would eventually earn the company a tawdry reputation. And so eight years of bitter in-fighting ensued, prompting Sears not only to quit in anger, which was understandable, but also to sell off all his stock in the company he started , which was nuts.

尽管电动万金油销售为18分,该公司声称,只有3个客户都采取了他们的退款保证(一个安全的要求,因为抱怨将邀请假设,他们这种顽强的情况下,即使是阳痿genitor ,电击疗法不能治愈) 。在世纪之交,公司的创始人理查德西尔斯,一个叫卖于心,就像快乐销售专利药品和廉价gewgaws ,包括“粉红药丸的脸色苍白的人”和1.95美元, “斯特拉迪瓦里”小提琴,随着越来越多的有益的项目,如口袋手表和工作服。但他最近增加了合作伙伴,朱利叶斯罗森瓦德,思想Seare的做法最终将获得该公司的俗气的声誉。因此, 8年来的激烈争斗随后,促使西尔斯不仅要辞职的愤怒,这是可以理解的,但也卖掉所有的股票在他的公司开始,这是坚果。