
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 21:36:19
翻译 it would e great to see you to catch up on all our news.

选择题 解释一下为什么要选择那个答案。。

he failed [ ]all his efforts.

A in spite of B even of C although

i have been in london [ ]last friday
A since B for C till

that is a [ ]perfect picture

A very B much C really

i [ ]jogging every morning in the park

A go B do C play

have you asked john [ ]tickets to beijing?

A for B to C in

ann did not buy [ ]for herself

A something B nothing C anything

i am going to have the washing machine [ ]

A to repair B repaired C repair
补充句子 mary said that ________[她想去买本书】

you can wear________[或是T桖衫,或是衬衫]

she borrowed the book from me last week and _____[他还给了我]

翻译 the hotel is

catch up on 有得到消息的意思
A in spite of 是即使有XXX仍然怎样怎样的意思,although虽然也有让步的意思,但不能作介词短语引导名词,只能做连词引导让步状语从句,即although只能接句子不能接名词
A这句话是说从上周五到现在我一直在伦敦,言下之意还没有离开伦敦。如果是 I had been in London()last Friday。那就应该用till,因为是到上周五这个点,这个动作已经结束了。不能用for,for只能和表时间段的时间名词连用。
A go jogging 是慢跑的意思,表“去慢跑”通常用go jogging,而不用do jogging,习惯而已。就好像表“去游泳”用go swimming 而不用do swimming一样。
A ask for sth 就是向某人要某物的意思,这句话就是 “你找约翰要去北京的票了吗?”
C 这句话的意思是“安没有给自己买东西”,否定句中是不会出现something的,nothing也极少出现。
B have sth done 就是让某物被怎样,这句话是说“我要去修我的洗衣机”,言下之意是让别人修,也就是让我的洗衣机被别人修。
she wanted to buy a book
a Tee or a shirt
he has given it back to me 或者直接用he gave it back to me
