
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 20:47:09
《Big Big World》中表达了许多爱情方面的细腻情愫以及生活中的点点滴滴,洋溢着Emilia 可爱的自信心以及骨子里隐藏的一些不敢面对现实的脆弱。
单曲《Big Big World》写的就是她揣摩一个小女生的心理, 描述迷失在茫茫人海中,为离别的爱情而困惑与思想交汇心头的感觉。
这是她在大学读书 的时候写下的,她抓住了年轻人面对现实世界的孤离于挫折感。
喜欢一首歌,不光是喜欢它的旋律,歌词。而是要了解它的意境,明白作者想表达什么感情. Big big world拥有着另人浮想联翩的背景音乐,轻柔平稳的旋律,最后再加上她那幽雅高贵的气质,让所听之人为她倾倒,为她疯狂,身上所有的担子和疲倦顿时得到舒解,让人重新振作,信心十足的面对接下来的挑战.

"Big Big World" in the expression of the love of many aspects of life as well as the delicate sincerity of the bit by bit, filled with lovely Emilia's self-confidence, as well as some of the hidden heart of hearts did not dare to face the reality of the vulnerability.
Single "Big Big World" written by her is a little girl try to figure out the psychological, to describe lost in the vast sea of humanity, love and separation as a confused and thinking of the convergence of the feeling of my heart.
This is her student days at the university wrote that she grasped the young people in the face of isolated from the real world in frustration.
Like a song, just like it is the melody, lyrics. But to understand its mood, to understand what the author would like to express their feelings. Big big world of other people have the imagination of the background music, soft smooth melody, coupled with the end of her elegant noble qualities, so that by listen