
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:26:32
1.With the sun out for 24 hours, the North Pole can get as warm as 38 degrees Fahrenheit (about 3.3 degrees Celsius) in the summer. But the cold winds make the North Pole a very cold place. The summer temperature only gets to 38 degrees in places that are sheltered from the wind.
2.The earth has a partner in its trip around the sun. It is the moon. It takes the moon 28 days to go around the earth once. The moon is gray and lifeless. There is no air on the moon. Astronauts must wear special space suits when they walk on the moon so they can breathe. And you will not weigh as much on the moon as you do on the earth.
3.The weather is one of the most important things in man’s life. For a farmer, the wrong weather may mean that he has poor crops, or no crops at all. Now satellites are helping man to forecast the weather. When a storm is beginning, people will get a warning in advance. As a result, they usually have a better chance to protect themselves and their homes

1.北极的夏季由于24小时都没有太阳照谢,北极只有华氏38度(大于3.3摄氏度)。但是由于冰冷的风使北极成为一个非常寒冷的地方。只有在那些没有风的地方夏季温度才有38 度。
3.天气是人类生活中最重要的事情。比如对一个农夫来说,坏天气意味着庄家欠收,甚至一点收成都没有。现在卫星能够帮助人类预测天气。当暴风雨将来时,人们能预先得到提醒。因此 他们有更大的可能去保护他们自己和他们的家园。
4.他们步入3000 年以后,他们将指挥对环境进行几个星期的试验。他们将研究植物和发现的新类型的动物。这次考察将会非常的刺激,每个人都迫不及待的想要开始行动了。



