we've already talked about rising prices for fuel

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:37:55
we've already talked about rising prices for fuel making container ships less profitable and eating into the margins for cheap products from the developing world.
of course,energy-price hikes are one reason why supply chain manager are more nervous.but the leading cause of concern is that products and services are becoming more complex and that is making them harder to ship cheaply and efficiently.
how are supply chain managers reacting?Cutting costs and executing lay-offs followed by trying to improve customer service. Such approached are appearing to help.Also,managers tendto get their products to market faster and improve their supply chain's reliabilty.
Among their biggest challenges are making sure that different location in the chain all share knowlege and manage communications and cultural differences well.


当然, 能源价格上涨只是造成供应链行业经理不安的原因之一,但是令人担忧的主因应该是产品和价格将变得越来越复杂,这将是他们很难便宜又高效地运送输。

货运公司经理们该如何反应呢?降低成本且裁员,然后再试着提高客户服务质量。 很明显,这些途径会有所帮助。还有,这些经理们趋于加快其产品投入市场的速度,提高其产品服务的可靠性。

