
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:42:16
圣马可广场,(Piazza del san.marco)被誉为最浪漫的广场,鸽子是这里最大的特色
学院美术馆(Galleria dell\'Accademia) :藏有米开朗基罗的“大卫像”、四座未完成的“奴隶像”、第二座“圣母哀子像”和其它佛罗伦斯艺术家的作品。对街有家不错的书店和海报点,可顺道一访。
米开朗基罗广场(Piazzale Michelangelo) :广场位于亚诺河对岸,是眺望佛罗伦斯的最佳据点,广场中央有米开朗基罗的大卫雕像的复制品,而位于它后面的就是美得令人怦然心动的浪漫主义教堂San Miniato。
6、维琪奥王宫(Palazzo Vecchio) :这座防御完整的宫殿内部曾是麦迪奇(Medici)家族的住所,米开朗基罗的“大卫像”从1873年来一直守候在门口左侧,不过现在所见是仿作。二楼大厅堂是共和国政府的大会议场,两侧的壁上有米开朗基罗的名作“胜利”。王宫前是佛罗伦斯最热闹的西纽利亚广场(Plazza della Signoria),“祖国之父”柯西摩.麦迪奇的骑马雕像睥睨全场。邻近王宫的集会所(Loggia dei Lanzi)有许多古代及文艺复兴式样的大理石人物雕像。

Piazza San Marco, (Piazza del san.marco) as the most romantic squares, pigeons here is the greatest feature

It belongs to God and the angels are the eternal city, built by Taiwan-Park River between seven Yamaoka, also destroyed several times after revitalization of the historical sites can be seen everywhere: Constantine ancient arena door, four river fountain , The Spanish Steps ... ... there are located in the urban areas of the Catholic religion: the Vatican, which has added a scene.

College Art Gallery (Galleria dell \ 'Accademia): possession of Michelangelo's "David", the four unfinished "like slaves" and second "as the son of Our Lady of sorrow" and other works of the artist's Florence . Street, home of a good book and posters point, we can explore a visit.

Michelangelo square (Piazzale Michelangelo): Plaza, located in the other side of the river Arno, Florence is the view of the best position