
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 05:59:17
1,在关键时刻,我们应该有能力面对一切困难.(critical,capable of)
5,我们有大量的自然资源。(plenty of)
6,对于她对法律的无知,他持批评态度。(critical of)

On critical time, we are capable of all difficulties.
After consider of that question, please switch our attention to other things.
Please spray paint on the table.
We need to let our children expose new ideas.
We got plenty of nature source
Because of her innocent to the law, she is critical of attitude.
He has been switch from one career to the other one in last three years

1 At a critical moment, we should be able to face all the difficulties
2 On the issues to consider, they turn its attention to other things up
3 To spray paint on the table
4 To spray paint on the table that we should allow children access to new ideas.
5 We have a lot of natural resources.
6 Her ignorance of the law, his critics
7 Over the past three years, from a professional career to another.

1. We would be capable of facing any difficulty during critical time.
2.They switched their focus to other things after thinking