中译英 拒绝翻译机

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 14:02:30
本周五晚上在小龙馆举行聚会。为了欢迎下月即将到我们销售部工作的李红女士,接替马小丁先生的职务,担任黄海先生的助手。李红女士已在我们公司工作了3年,以前一直在人事部工作,可能我们对她不太熟悉,希望这次机会能增加互相了解。如果 想参加请告诉我。

A party will be held in the Xiaolong Hall this Friday night to welcome Ms Li Hong joining in our marketing department. Ms Li will come next mounth as the assistant of Mr Huang hai, in charge of Mr. Ma Xiaoding's work. She has worked in the personnel department of our company for three years. Some of us may not be very familiar with her and I hope we can have a better cognition through this opportunity. Please let me know if you want to the party.