
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:27:03
But are we being good caretakers by holding a dolphin or a sea lion in a tank? Yes, if two conditions are met: that they‘re given the best treatment possible, and, no less important, that they’re displayed in a way that educates and informs us. Captive animals must be allowed to serve as ambassadors for their species.

Shannon Brownlee argues that it’s all right for people to hold animals in captivity as long as(1) that animals are treated as well as possible, and(2) the animals are displayed in a way that educates the public. Brownlee insists that animals be allowed to serve as “ambassadors for their species.”

According to Shannon Brownleee, a captive animal is being treated fairly as long as it’s kept alive and its captivity gives a people pleasure. In her essay, “First It Was ’Save the Whales,’ Now It’s ‘Free the Dolphins,’ ”she argues that people who keep animals in cages are responsible to the animals in only two
