
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 07:32:41
Ring Juggling:杂耍圈 (就是手中拿数个圈 不停抛向空中)
Club Juggling: 杂耍棒 (同上, 换成棒子)
Rola Bola:晃板,平衡木。它是一个厚板跟圆桶的组合,板放在圆桶上,而人可站立其上。因为圆桶会滚动,站在上面的表演者必须有良好的平衡感才能维持站在上面

Devil Sticks: 恶魔棍, 又俗称「三枝棍」,因为总共是有三枝棍子。一组恶魔棍是由两根控制用的短棍和一根主要表演的长棍所构成恶魔棍的主棍是利用两根控制杆轮流地敲击(或者,也许用「提起」形容会更为贴切)使得它维持旋转在空中


Cigar boxes:雪茄盒杂耍, 类似于杂耍圈或棒, 属于控制类杂耍的一种,一般左右手各拿一个盒子,然后中间夹数个盒子

不要翻译软件翻的 谢谢

Ring Juggling: ring circus (that is holding the hands of a few non-stop loop through the air)

Club Juggling: juggling sticks (ibid., replaced the stick)

Rola Bola: Huang board, the balance beam. It is a thick plate with a combination of drums, drum on the board, but can stand on its. Because the drums will roll, standing above the performers must have a good sense of balance to maintain the stand above

Devil Sticks: devil sticks, also known as "3 stick," because there are a total of 3 sticks. A devil stick by controlling two of truncheons, and a major show of Zhanggun posed by the devil's club owners stick to control the use of two-under on a rotational basis and percussion (or perhaps "brought" to describe more Appropriate) made it to maintain the rotation in the air

Diablo: juggling a ball, the right-hand man holding one end of the rope to ensure that the ball away on the rope down

Cigar boxes: c