
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 02:20:48
要求:找到9个错的 和1个对的, 并且说明应该改成什么。
例:disappointing改disappoined. 若是没有错的,就不用改了。谢谢~!~!
i went fishing with my father on last Sunday.

We started at daybreak.

Not long we came to a stream with clean water,that we could see fish swimming.

It's a good place for fishing.

After a little minutes' preparation,we sat down and began fishing.

An hour was passed,but I didn't get a single fish.

I felt very disappointing.

I often lifted the fishing rod,because I almost lose my patience.

On the other side of the stream,my father had got lots of fish.

I went up to him and asked for some advices.

In the end,with help I got some fish,too.

How happy I was!

1. i went fishing with my father last Sunday.-去掉on,last Sunday,the day before yesterday之类的词前面不用加介词。
2.Not long we came to a stream with clean water,which we could see fish swimming. -用逗号隔开的定语从句不能用that,只能用which。
3.It was a good place for fishing. -上下文时态保持一致(过去时)。
4.After a few minutes' preparation,we sat down and began fishing.-minute可数用few。
5.An hour passed,but I didn't get a single fish. -pass本身就表示时间流逝,不需要用被动态。
6.I felt very disappointed.-这个你已经知道了。
7.I often lifted the fishing rod,because I almost lost my patience. -上下文时态一致。
8.I went up to him and asked for some advice. -advice不可数名词,不能加s。
9.In the end,with his help I got some fish,too. -根据上下文,应该是在父亲的帮助下钓到了鱼。不加his指代不明。

第一个去掉 on