
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:15:08
爱未走,泪飘零 霎那间,大地猛烈的震动,令人措手不及,还未来得及作任何反应,一切就已经崩塌,混杂着一个个未来得及实现的愿望,埋入了废墟,沉入了黑暗。

Where on earth can you find one?

Love has not walked , that homeless tear moment , the earth are fierce shake , make people be caught unawares, have not been able to assume any reaction , everything collapsing right away already in time, confounding every desire not having been able to come true in time, bury have entered a ruin, submergence dark. Sunlight still kindness, but that brightness of faint life, the but powerless counter-balance ruin goes down that a sheet dark; Still approach at dark night, The stars twinkle of heavens faint brightness, firmly insists that , can not degenerate, still have me praying silently in here. The day afer tomorrow happened in the earthquake , the loving heart merges into more forceful than Huanghe River river, the surge is burning flowing into Wen Chuan. Be not afraid that friend , we will be that you support up a light in the dark. Dark by you, we drive for you; Your human body wound, we stroke tie lightly for y