求 《睡美人》的 英文剧本

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 10:08:05

The Sleeping Beauty
Long,long ago,there lived a king and a queen,who owned wide forests,great gardens,and beautiful palaces. Still they were not altogether happy,for they had no children.
But at last on a bright spring morning, a daughter was born to them. Then great was the joy in the whole kingdom, flags were waving , bells were ringing, and the king decided to hold a party and to invited all the good people to come. To the party they also invited six good fairies, for you must know there lived seven in all, but the one who was dark and evil was not invited.
The day for the party came with blue skies and merry songs. Rich and wonderful gifts were brought, gift of silver and gold ,diamonds,silk and necklaces. But the gifts of the fairies were the best.
The fairies dacned in. all the guests around the king’s daughter held their breath to see their beauty and loveliness. One fairy stepped forward and whispered, “My gift to you is this, you shall become the most be