
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 03:02:34
英语初二演讲稿:The hero in my heart
五月天是一个乐团,它是我心中的英雄。或许许多人对它不屑一顾,但我却对它情有独钟。生活在21世纪我们,缺少的是感动,而五月天给我的正是这样的震撼。我总爱听五月天的歌,并不是因为它们多么华丽 摇滚 前卫,而是因为它们能真正的触动我的心灵。他们一直在努力。
Mayday is a band. It is the hero in my heart. Maybe lots of people are reading the mayday’s songs, in the streets and hangs about the mayday news continuously, also some people knows nothing about mayday. But I want to say that the mayday’s songs are my strength, is not because mayday’s songs how magnificent \ the rock and roll \ vanguard, is only because they can touch my mind truly . Many mayday-fans said that mayday is burns own life in the creation, not for other, only to sing their aspiration and in affected world each person. When I feel happy, I listen to mayday’s songs, they can continue joyfully. Wh

It is a band, it is my hero. When I hear it, I'll worry when the songs, they can let me off, When I am happy, I also will hear it, they can sublimation my song is the motivation. Do you know why it is so big appeal? Because it is burning in the creation of their life, singing, they never give up.
It is a band, it is my hero. Perhaps for its many disdain for it, but I did. Living in the 21st century, we lack is moved, and it gave me is such a shock. I always like the song, it is not because they avant-garde, but how magnificent rock because they can truly touches my soul. They have been trying.
It is my hero.