谁能用比较级帮我写10句小短文 随便介绍什么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 03:36:38
angel是我最好的朋友 她比我高 比我大 比我漂亮 她不管做什么总是比我认真 不过她没有我幽默 和她在一起她总是把我照顾得比她自己还要好 我希望她一天比一天更开心

以上帮我翻译下。。谢谢哦 江湖救急啊


Angel is my best friend. She is taller than me. Also, she is older than me. At the same time, she is more pretty compare to me. No matter what she did, she is always more serious than me. However, she is not so humorous as me. She can always take care of me even better than taking care of herself when I am together with her. I hope she can get more exciting day by day.

I have a sister,her name is Ann.We have many differences,for example,her hair is longer than me,and I'm a little taller than her.
Once mom asked us that which sweater is better,I said"I think the blue one is more beautiful."But Ann said"Oh,The purple one in more pretty."
When I think the weather is much colder than yesterday,she usually does't agree with me.
MY desk is cleaner than hers,and her bed is bigger than mine.MY mobile phone is newer than hers,and her MP4 is more diaphanous.I think the comedies are more interesting While she