请问C盘D盘The volume is dirty是怎么回事

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:01:06
今天使用电脑时突然电脑自动重启,开机过程中蓝屏提示:C盘D盘The volume is dirty.请问这是怎么回事?以前也遇到过D盘The volume is dirty的情况.我的D盘很少使用..C盘的The volume is dirty是昨天才开始的..请高手指教这是怎么回事,顺便指教一下解决的办法.

what you're experiencing is what Windows refers to as "setting the dirty bit" and what you have to do is unset that bit. Every time Windows XP starts, autochk.exe is called by the kernel to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the volume. It is usually caused by a hard shut down or a power loss during a read-right operation on that particular drive.

How do I fix it, you ask?

Well, that's easy. First click Start> Run> bring up a command prompt by typing in "CMD" and type " fsutil dirty query d: ". This queries the drive, and more than likely it will tell you that it is dirty. Next, type "CHKNTFS /X D:". The X tells Windows to NOT check that particular drive on the next reboot. At thi