
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 06:54:26
下面这几题选什么 要讲解,越详细越好 拜托!!
1 The pessimism and deterministic ideas of naturalism pervaded the works of such American writers as_____.
A.Mark Twain B.Fitzgerald C.Walt Whitman D.Stephen Crane

2 The three poets Ezra Pound,T.S.Eilot and____opened the way to modern poetry.
A.O.Henry B.Henry Dvaid Thoreau C.E.E.Cummings D.Robert Frost

3.Faulkner once said that____is a story of"lost innocence",which proves itself to be an intensification of the thene of imprionment in the past.
A.Light in August B.Go Down Moses C.The Sound and the Fury D.Absalom!Absalom!
这个好像是C 我不确定,高手给个讲解

4.Which of the following comments on the novel The Great Gatsby is NOT true?
A. Gatsby's failure magnifies the end of the American Dream
B.It is the greatest novel in American literature
C.It fully explores the disilluusionment and despair of the Lost Generation
这个好像是选B 那“the greatest novel in American literature”的是哪部作品?

第一应该是Stephen Crane。Mark Twain和Walt Whitman 都是非常雄性的写作者,而且也不是自然主义作家。Fitzgerald是迷惘一代的代表作家,虽然作品也有悲剧性,但也不是自然主义作家。Stephen Crane是自然主义作家,他的自然主义也被称为“悲观的现实主义”,成名作品《玛琪:一个街头女郎》就很有悲观和宿命论的色彩,非常符合题意。

第二题应该是E.E.Cummings,他是实验派诗人,是美国20世纪现代主义诗歌中的佼佼者,O.Henry是短篇小说家,应该也不是梭罗,他根本不是现代主义诗人,年代也太早了,Robert Frost被誉为“工业社会的田园诗人”和“自然诗人”,更倾向于现实主义与理想主义。

第三题是The Sound and the Fury。
12.3 Of Faulkner’s literary works, four novels are masterpieces by any standards: The Sound and the Fury (a story of lost innocence, which proves itself to be an intensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past); Light in August; Absalom, Absalom!; Go Down, Moses.

第四题肯定是C啦,最伟大的作品永远都没有定论。而失去的美国梦、一代人的迷惘、绝望情绪正是The Great Gatsby的主要主题。
