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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:29:39
After reading the essay, have you built up a big confidence about stopping smoking successfully? Would you want to live a healthier life in the future? Just try to quit smoking whatever obstacles you meet, just tell yourself I can do it! Just remember “nobody ever died from giving up smoking."

After reading the essay, have you built up (great) confidence (in) stopping smoking successfully? Would you( prefer living) a healthier(and fresher) (environment) in the future? (If that is your expectation, please dont give up quitting whatever obstacles you meet and also believe you can do it! Whenever you are thinking of those horrible effects induced by smoking,how can you keep the cigarette lighting in your hand?)


After reading the essay, have you built up a big confidence about stopping smoking successfully? Would you want to live (加in)a healthier (life manner) in the future(and get closer with your family and friends)? Just try to quit smoking (no matter what obstacles you meet), (and) tell yourself I can do it! (Please) remember “nobody ever died from giving up smoking."