
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 19:00:14
诞生於纽约,1997年创刊、却於2004年划下了休止符的室内设计刊物-Nest - A Quarterly of Interiors。 Nest是相当有别於时下一般的室内设计杂志,不受商业潮流的导向有如顽皮的小孩般充满了玩心,它那特立独行的风格使得每期内容都让读者有不同的惊喜及乐趣。


Nest is a New York based magazine, 1997-2004, self described as a "unique shelter magazine," or "quarterly of interiors" which featured nontraditional architecture, landscaping, and interior design. Focusing on spaces people lived in as opposed to the modern or antique interiors of beauty like the rest of interior design magazines. Nest almost never used templates or had regular features, it pushed the envelope of the magazine publishing world.