帮忙论文翻译 在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:42:07
注意:要手工的哦 高手请

Language mistakes made by the students have been one of the frustrating problems to English teachers. How to correctly understand and treat the language mistakes by students is also a question worth paying attention and studying. It will hurt the students' enthusiasm about communication if the teachers correct them whenever the students make a mistake and will harm their seft-esteem and effect their abilities of smooth communication if the teachers have a "let it be" attitude towards the mistakes. However if not corrected in time, these mistakes might influence the students' own error correction.

Then why do students make mistakes? What mistakes should the teachers correct? When and how to correct them? How to instruct or guide the students to correct themselves? Regarding all these, this essay studies the mistake correction strategy in English teaching by beginning with analysing the mistake types and reasons.

