一些儿时的游戏的名字 英文怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:55:48
丢手绢 跳皮筋 扔沙包 拍洋片
如果还知道别的 也请告诉我 感谢!

丢手绢Throw the handkerchief

跳皮筋Jump the rope skipping

扔沙包beanbag game


pat cartoon cards


Throw handkerchief
jump rubber band
Throw sandbags
shoot foreign film

throw~~~~throw~~~~handkerchief ~~~
silently drop it behind a body~~~
and we don't tell him ~~~
hurry hurry ~~catch him ~~
hurry hurry ~~ca~~~tch himmm~~~