Why people like to read or write poems?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:22:41

Because its melodious rythm just like a song that we can sing happily.

Because its beautiful rhyme like a little game of word that we can feel the magic of language.

Because its wide emotion like the sky that we can never touch the boundary and we can say what we wan to say.

Because its value of literature that push the development of languages and communication.

1.Using the beautiful language to express our implicitly or unrestrained emotion

2.Show a person's temperament and knowledge

3.Through poetic language to achieve our aim

Because the poem is very exquisite

People like to read or write poem because it is the most compact language of human beings. Some people think poem is the best way to express their emotions, love, for example, and some others take poem as a kind of beauty. However, the most attractive place of a poem is its rhythm. By reading poems people show their passions in many