
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 15:32:34
为了鼓励这类投资,中国政府近年来一直大力投资修建的公路基础设施。目前中国仅有4.5万多公里的高速公路,政府计划到2010年,将高速公路的里程增加近一倍,至8.5万公里。“这与上世纪50年代时美国公路系统的扩张非常类似,”美国公路运输公司世能达(Schneider National)首席执行官里斯罗兰格夫(Chris Lofgren)表示。该公司正在建立其中国业务,并于近期收购了一家中国物流公司的运营资产。

This kind of investment has encouraged in recent years, the Chinese government has been investing in building the road infrastructure. Currently China only 4.5 million kilometers of highway, the government plans to 2010, will increase the expressway mileage, nearly doubled to 8.5 million kilometers. "The 1950s and the expansion of the highway system when are very similar," the highway transport company can reach (ii) chief executive rhys Schneider National line (Chris Roland Lofgren) said. The company was established in China, and its business in China recently acquired a logistics companies operating assets.