
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:48:47
像《红与黑》这种经典的欧洲文学对于学习英语专业的我们有着深刻的含义。本文在深刻理解小说作者意图的基础上, 对小说主人公在追求飞黄腾达这条路上的拼搏和“迷失”进行剖析,并通过主人公于连在经过矛盾、经过抗争、经过实践, 最终大彻大悟得到重生的过程, 揭示了“红”与“黑”这一既对立又统一的矛盾所喻示的深刻含义。并分析了作品中充满魅力的欧洲文化。

Likely "Red And Black" this kind of classical European literature has the profound meaning regarding study English specialized us. This article in profound understanding novel author intention foundation, to novel leading character, in the pursue makes a rapid career advance on this road's striving for success with “to lose” carries on the analysis, and is passing through contradictory through leading character Yu Lian, undergoes the resistance, the process practice, awakens greatly finally obtains the rebirth process, has promulgated “red” and “black” this both opposes the contradictory institute Yu Shi profound meaning which, and unifies. And analyzed in the work to be full of the charm the European culture.

As "Red and Black" this classic European literature to learn English for our profession has a profound meaning. In this paper, in-depth understanding of the intent of the author of the novel based on the novel of the main character in the pursuit