
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 16:10:00











In Los Angeles, a friend of the United States by car to take me to see the rich zone. The area is rich and the rich to live. Americans love to accompany guests to see the rich areas, like tourism. Yiqiao there, Zi-million house and yard, elegant, quiet, comfortable, really a paradise on earth. I suddenly have a problem, he asked: "You see the rich people live in such a beautiful house, will not be jealous?"
The Japanese friends thought a little, shook his head and said: "'s not." He then explained, "If a Japanese than other people to see their strong and usually take the initiative to close to that person, and his friends, to learn from him , Xue Daoshou his strengths, and then try him over. "Oh, really powerful Japan. I would like to
Not long ago, a friend of the South to see me, talk to their city mentioned growing very quickly and abroad have been the kind of "rich man's zone." I asked with great interest the situation, it