
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:30:09
1. 尽管天气不好,运动会并没有延期 (put off)。
2. 红灯亮意味着所有车辆都应该停下来。
3. Peter很聪明,两个小时内独自把收音机修好了。
4. 我上班很少迟到,但今天早上我睡过头了。(rarely)
5. 人们经常问我是在那里学会法语的。
6. 妈妈建议Sam照着她的方法洗衣服。
7. 到2010年,这个地区将会有了建成5所小学,三所中学。
8. 当我们正谈论那个致命的事故时,Mary 说是因为下雪的缘故。
9. 二月这个名称来自于一个被叫做Februa的罗马节日。
10. 有些司机无视速度限制。
1. All students will ________ in the competition next week.
A. take part in B. arrive at
C. result from D. take place
2. I _______ my story books for Mary’s toy telephone.
A. gave B. traded C. paid D. took
3. _______, the manager agreed to all our demands.
A. To our surprise B. Surprising
C. Much surprise D. It is surprise
4. Miss Roberts has lived in China for a couple of years, _______ she taught English.
A. who B. that
C. which D. when
5. My friend will come to see me before I _______ Africa.
A. leaving B. leave for
C. left for

1. 尽管天气不好,运动会并没有延期 (put off)。 although the weather was not good,the sports meeting had not been put off
2. 红灯亮意味着所有车辆都应该停下来。 the red light is on that means all the cars should stop.
3. Peter很聪明,两个小时内独自把收音机修好了。 peter is so clever that he has fixed the radio by himself within 2 hours.
4. 我上班很少迟到,但今天早上我睡过头了。(rarely) although I am rarely late for work ,I overslept this morning
5. 人们经常问我是在那里学会法语的。 people are always asking me from where I've learned my French
6. 妈妈建议Sam照着她的方法洗衣服。 Sam's mother suggests that sam should wash the clothes in her way
7. 到2010年,这个地区将会有了建成5所小学,三所中学。 five primary schools and three middle schools will have been built in this area till 2010

8. 当我们正谈论那个致命的事故时,Mary 说是因为下雪的缘故。 when we are talking about the fatal accident ,mary told us that is because of the big snow.
9. 二月这个名称来自于一个被叫做Februa的罗马节日。February is from a Roman festival called Fevrua
10. 有些司机无视速度限制。 some car drivers ignore the speed restriction