
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:37:47

A Customer A(Tom)
B Customer B(Jack)
C Waiter
D Manager
E Narrator

E: Today, two friends go to a resturant for dinner and then have an interesting experience there. Let's see what happen to them.
A: Hey, Jack, I think there must be something wrong with my mouth?
B: What's up, Tom?
A: I can feel a mouse swimming in my mouth.
B(惊讶): HA!!! I must call 120 because I think you must have caught a high fever.
A: Don't do that, I'm serious.(将手伸进嘴做出把老鼠抓出来的样子)OK,OK, I've caught it...(作出把老鼠从嘴里拿出来的样子)
E(所有台上的人都静止不动,旁白走上来,拿起老鼠): This mouse weighs 20 kilograms.
B(完全惊呆了): Oh, my god!!! What a huge mouse it! Aha, I see, you want to make me happy, so you eat such a huge mouse and then fetch it out. is!!! But, Tom, there is one thing I don't understand, how could you do that?
A(很无奈):Jaaaaaaaaaack, I'm not kidding, I'm serious, I swear.
B(很认真): No,no,no, stop joking, just tell me how could you