
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:29:54
近年来,我国出口的外部环境日益严峻,以技术贸易壁垒为核心的新贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响愈加严重。新贸易壁垒已成为我国对外贸易的最大障碍。认识新贸易壁垒的内容、主要特点及其发展趋势,对于防范和减少新贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易的负面影响,以及采取正确措施对其进行突破,并确保我国对外贸易的可持续发展具有重要意义。文章分析了新贸易壁垒产生的原因 ,以及它所含的主要内容,并提出了加强我国进出口企业技术性贸易管理,提高我国出口产品竞争力的措施,作为打破新贸易壁垒的有效手段。

In recent years, China's exports of increasingly severe external environment, technical barriers to trade at the core of the new trade barriers on China's exports even more serious impact. New trade barriers have become the biggest obstacle to China's foreign trade. The new trade barriers, and the main features of the development trend for the prevention and reduction of trade barriers on the new negative impact on China's foreign trade, as well as the right to take measures for their breakthrough, and to ensure the sustainable development of China's foreign trade is of great significance .
The article analyzed the causes of the new trade barriers, as well as the main elements of contained in it, and put forward China's import and export enterprises to strengthen the technical management of trade, improve the export competitiveness of China's measures to break new barriers to trade as an effective means.

In recent years, China's exports of