
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/15 02:03:09

题目:Chicago Museum 芝加哥博物馆

Some tourists in the Chicago Museum of Natural History are mar-veling at the dinosaur bones. One of them asks the guard,"Can you tell me how old the dinosaur bones are?"

The guard replies, "Sure.They're sixty-five million,four years,and six months old."
The guard answers,"Well,they were sixty-five million years old when I started working here, and that was four and a half years ago."

(mar-veling ---可能marveling之误,惊讶惊奇的意思

2008,I Can Do It!!! 2008,我能行!!!

2008 has finally come ! This is the year which all Chinese have been longing for .We are so excited because our motherland is going to host the Olympic Games for the first time ever and it will make the dream of many Chinese gen