
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 04:35:56
从飞机发明以后,飞机日益成为现代文明不可缺少的运载工具。与其他交通工具相比,飞机有很多优点: (1)速度快。目前喷射客机的巡航时速在900公里每小时左右。 (2)机动性高。飞机飞行不受高山、河流、沙漠、海洋的阻隔,而且可根据客、货源数量随时增加班次。(3)安全舒适。据国际民航组织统计,民航平均每亿客公-(里)-的死亡人数为0.04人,是普通交通方式事故死亡人数的几十分之一到几百分之一,和铁路运输并列为最安全的交通运输方式。当然,飞机对人类的影响是双面的,正如——“科技是一把双刃剑”.

1、我们面临的困难是需要帮助的人数太多。(be faced with)

2、牺牲了很多生命才换来这场战斗的胜利。(at the cost of)

3、我们还是不要让这些细节把我们拖住吧。(get bogged down)

4、我打算换工作,不过得等到有合适的机会。(bide one’s time)

5、由于家庭的压力,他们那不美满的婚姻继续维持下去。(drag on)

6、这个问题提得突然,她一时竟想不出答案。(catch sb off guard)

After airplane invention, the airplane becomes the modern civilization essential carrier day by day. Compares with other transportation vehicle, the airplane has many merits:
(1) speed is quick. At present jet airliner's cruise speed about 900 kilometers each hour. (2) mobility is high. Airplane flight not mountain, rivers, desert, sea impediment, moreover may according to the guest, source of goods quantity momentarily increase the school grade order. (3) safe comfortable. According to International civil aviation organization statistics, commercial aviation average every hundred million guests male - (in) - the casualty is 0.04 person, is the ordinary transportation way accidental death population several dozens 1 to several 1%, juxtaposes with the railway transportation for the safest transportation way. Certainly, the airplane to the humanity the influence is two-sided, just like - - “the science and technology is a double-edged sword”.
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