
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 01:39:36
1 等我想好了我再告诉你吧
2 他的表象好的让在座的所有专家眼睛碎满地
3 我们打架比打球专业多了
4 我是一个不善于表达自己感情的人
5 网吧的人都有没有座位了 只好站在过道等着比人下机在上


1 等我想好了我再告诉你吧
I'll let you know when I've done thinking
2 他的表象好的让在座的所有专家眼睛碎满地
His excellent performance stunned all experts presented, as their glasses were shocked into pieces and strewed all over the floor.
3 我们打架比打球专业多了
We are more a professional finghter than a player
4 我是一个不善于表达自己感情的人
I'm not very good at expressing my feelings.
5 网吧的人都有没有座位了 只好站在过道等着比人下机在上
There is no more seat available in the internet-cafe, so we have to wait in the passageway until someone's off

1 等我想好了我再告诉你吧
I will tell you after I think it through.

2 他的表象好的让在座的所有专家眼睛碎满地
He impressed the pants off the the experts in the audience.

3 我们打架比打球专业多了
We fight better than we play (basketball, football, etc.,.)

4 我是一个不善于表达自己感情的人
I'm not good at expressing myself.

5 网吧的人都有没有座位了 只好站在过道等着比人下机在上
The net cafe is full, so I have