
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:58:10
上计算机地图图形学课老师让的 后天就考试了 要求就是题目啦 应该是设计成一个下拉菜单那样的吧 麻烦大虾们了
代码是要vb的 因为是计算机制图学的 希望大虾们帮忙了 有好的代码一定追加悬赏

; ------------ PLACE THE EXPRESS PULL-DOWN FUNCTION -------------
; This function places the Express pull-down to the left of the
; Window pull-down on the acad menu. If FLG is true the current
; Express pull-down if present will be removed and placed again.
; If FLG is nil and the pull-down is present, nothing will be done
; When placing the Express menu, acad's Window menu is used to
; determine the pull-down location. if the Window pull-down is
; missing, the Help pull-down will be used instead. If that too
; is missing, it will place the Express pull-down after the last
; menu location.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; Place the Express Tools pulldown to the left of the last pulldown already loaded

(defun acet-init-placemenu( / n )
(if (menugroup "EXPRESS")
(setq n 1)
(while (< n 24)