
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:44:42



Today, very sorry to see your e-mail through your mail, do you feel is a very hard-working hard and I know I was such a good person and you are pleased and honored.

E-mail in your description of your home's swimming pool, I think you must have a pretty building, you must have vision. You spent so much time and effort to repair such a beautiful swimming pool in the future you can spare time to swim To relax in the work of fatigue, really envy you. I wish it could give your life more happy and satisfied.
Your e-mail that you are going to travel to relax themselves, this is a very good idea. Say you want to see you visit me, and I really very happy and look forward to. But happy, I am somewhat worried, I in the English Language can not communicate well with you, this is your journey is not very good for tourist attractions and other introduced, I am worried I can not help you, if so, your journey will be because of my Language impairment have been affected, you wi