
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 03:47:15

a short essay on the topic of students selectiong their lecturers
Nowdays, universities in a increasing number offer their students an opportunity to select the tutor of their lectures. As a matter of fact, the determine which interests sudents has caught the national wide attention.

The following factors will be contemplated by the students. The first reason, also as the emphasis, is the fame of the teacher. A teacher of some repute is popular than others. The repute is based on his moral and broad knowledge. What's more, the choise is decided by the students' preference. Last but not the least, the pracitcality of the lecture is also an critical fact.

Students selecting their lectures is benefical to the schools' prospect. The staff should improve the

1. 不要用你不会用的词
2. 不要写作文的时候根据中文意思来查英文,全用错了,很坏的习惯
3. 写的太短了, 这也是英文水平低的原因,我把你写的改了下,就变成3句话了。。每段是一句,内容实在太少了
5. 写完最少要改一遍
Nowadays, there is an increasing trend that some universities provide students opportunities to select tutors due to students' willings which is regarded as a national wide problem.

Students are interested in the factors as following. Firstly, the emphasis is the level of tutors while famous totur will be more popular. On the other hand, choises are based on the sudents' preferences. Finally, the practical value of the lecture is the pacing factor.

It has a positive effect that it is benefical for schools' developing while this rule might creates losses of staffs and they should improve themselves constantly.

6年级的看不懂 你大学的吧 我是小学
