
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:46:48
External plug-in JARs
When it comes time to deploy your application and the JDBC plug-in, you have to rely on a native installer or feature install handler to set up the plug-in's manifest and ensure that jdbc.jar is in fact installed. The task is quite a bit easier if the database product defines environment variables or Java system properties, as shown in the example, to describe the location of its install. For example, if the product defined JDBC_HOME as an environment variable, then you can set up the JDBC plug-in's manifest to include the line:
Bundle-Classpath: external:$JDBC_HOME$/drivers/jdbc.jar
This mechanism has the added benefit that the JDBC plug-in can be built and delivered using standard Eclipse mechanisms. Variables make this even easier.
The real danger in using this setup is the potential for mismatching the metadata and contents of the JARs. For example, you might generate the metadata based on version 3 of the JDBC drivers, but the actu

束类路径:外部: $ JDBC_HOME $ /司机/ jdbc.jar
真正的危险在使用此设置的潜力不匹配的数据和内容的罐子。例如,您可能会产生数据的基础上,第3版的JDBC的驱动程序,但实际安装的驱动程序的版本2 。追踪这些类型的错误是具有挑战性的,至少可以说。尽管如此,该机制的存在,并解决一些实际问题。使用它谨慎和小心。
这整个一节是专门帮助您了解和解决这些运行时错误。通常情况下,这些涉及到classloading结构固有的Eclipse和的OSGi 。的OSGi classloading的战略和机制,讨论了第26章,但在这里我们详细一些标准库的编码方式和如何处理它们在Eclipse 。
问题Class.forName ( )