英语小作文 有个句子不会

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 15:18:07
老师让我们写英语作文 有几个句子不会啊 还望各位大侠帮忙帮忙 谢谢老``
拜托 谢谢各位了
PS:还有一句 6.我们上个星期学做了抄土豆丝
麻烦各位把以上句子翻译成英文 不要用机器 不要脱离初2的英语.最好接近初2英语句式
我汗各位太不地道了 不是刷分的 就是用机器 翻的 我自己去翻算了``

1. Technical work
2. Finally, they will be turned down
3. My favorite basketball star Michael Jordan is known as a man of God
4. I want to be like Jordan, like the basketball player
5. He had a game took 69 minutes

1.labor technology
2.finally,they turn the game over。
3.i love the basketball star ,Jordan,the guy who are called "the god".
4.so i wanna be a basketball player like Jordan.
5.he has ever scored 69.

1. Technical work (technical workers)
2. Finally, they will be turned down
3. My favorite basketball star Michael Jordan is known as a man of God
4. I want to be like Jordan, like the basketball player
5. He had a game took 69 minutes (or more if he realizes that the next).

1.Labor technology (technology workers)
2.Finally, they will be turned down
3. My favorite basketball star Michael Jordan is known as a man of God
4.That is why I want to be like Jordan,