
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:50:34
谁能帮我做个天坛斋宫的介绍,一般语速的话一分半钟左右,不要找网上的这段话Around the Hall of Abstinence are two imperial ditches and they are circled by a 163-bay walkway. The Abstinence Bronze Man Pavilion and Time and Memorial Tablets Pavilion are at he Celestial Terrace of the main hall. To add the solemnity of the occasion, the bells in the two bell towers at the northeast end were struck when the emperor prayed for good harvests.

The Tiantan is a Fine example of Religious Architecture from the Ming Dynasty for which Beijing is Famous. Because of its Religious function, it , just as the Entire City of Beijing , has a specific symbolic Lay Out based on Feng Shui and other principles.
Standing in the center of the so called "Round Altar" (of heaven) one can look around and overview the Beijing Sky-line, now fast changing. A view to the South reveals Tiantan Park South Gate. Beyond are the TongWai suburbian district behind the 2nd ring road and a railway. These are not part of the Ancient City of Beijing. Don't let the overview of the City take you away from discovering the Secret Numbers of the Altar

(Full Information in the Full Tiantan Park Report)! The stairs of the Altar and the slabs of the upper Platform Circle reveal some interesting ones for you to ponder over. Take the 12 times 12 white marble stairs, together making the number 144 also known from Christianity and the Maya