
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 20:13:51
1.当告诉她她的父母不幸在空难中去世时,她几乎晕过去了。(air crash,faint)
3.在他30岁之前,他已经实现了他所有的人生目标。(achieve 。goal)
5.他低声告诉我,TOM已经被选去美国作为交流学生。(whisper to sb that)

1.She is an outstanding medical worker.
outstanding 杰出的,介绍某人的职业,sb. is .... 例如:she is a teacher. 她是一位老师。

2.She devotes herself to save lives for years.
for years 多年以来,一直以来, devote to 献身于,致力于

3.She is determined to do so though many people look down upon her job.
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 look down upon 看不起 though 虽然

4.She is second to more in medical industry.
sencond to more 首屈一指 medical industry 医学界

5.She referred to lots of her job when she communicated with me.
refer to 涉及到 communicate with 与某人交谈

6.She is content with her job.
be content with 对...很满足

7.I think she is leading a meaningful life.
lead a ... life 过着什么样的生活

When she told her parents in the tragic air crash death, she almost passed out

The designer returned to China, the introduction of a new fashion

In his 30-year-old before he had achieved all his goals in life.
