英文作文 My most rewarding experience

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 03:07:14

My most rewarding experience
In the memory of my mine,a competition of prelection is the most rewarding experience in my life.
Self-confidence is by on means the important character for everyone.But I lost them before the competition.
In china,the only level estimating students is marks.Holding a low marks in math and physics I receives no warm welcome from teachers and classmates.However,literature is my favorate courses I spent too much time to literature to have enough time to study any other course.So I haven`t earn respect from people around.I cost further time to literature in liberaries.
After endless waitness,chance coming .last year my university hold a competition of prelection. And I attended. After preliminary ,quality-final and final contest.I win the campion cup.All of my classmates come around with me. And self-confidence come back to my body.
A proverb says," a tree has been recognized by its fruit."I think is correct,especially in