Bad luck

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:22:29
My entire life (especially recently) is always surrounded by bad luck? Why? How can I change it? I don't want this!!

At least wait 3 days.
We all know Easter just 3 days after Jesu die.That is hopeless 3 day.
Who knows what will happen after 3 days.
So bad luck need to wait 3 days.

But be frank with you,bad luck had followed me 2 years.



Hey!Don't so upset!My country has an adage said "crisis is chance."
You can believe it!Don't think your luck is bad ,many people in the world is worse than you.When you have no shoes to wear,there are many people no feet!You must keep optimistic,everything you go through will be your memory.Go out and do some outdoor activities and believe that "tomorrow is another day".