
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:33:52
1.We all agree that a pair of shose______a nice present.
A.are B.is C.were D.have
2.The number of people_____lost homes_____as large as 250,000.
A.which;has reached B.who;have reached
C.that;have;have reached D.who;has reached
3.I want to buy a comic book but there were_____left at the bookshop.
A.no one B.nothing C.anyone D.none
4.——Is everything_____we need to do_____?
——Yes.You needn't worry about it.
A.which;has done B.which;doing
C.that;has done D.that;done
5.It was becouse I was caught in the traffic jam_____Icame to school late this morning.
A.which B.when C.what D.that
6.——We'll do what we can_____English well this term.
——It's high time for you to work hard.
A.study B.to study C.be studied D.be studying
7.He made another wonderful discovery,_____of great importance to science.
A.which I think is

1)B - is , pair单数
2)D , 主语number单数
3)D none 一本也不省
4)D something/anything/everything etc 后面都用that ,然后用动词单数形式
5)D that , it 的同位语
6)B to study 表示目的
7)A, i think 插入语
8)C living对象的补充说明 而且这里不是定语从句所以不能用lives, sell well 卖的很好就是这么表示的 卖完了是 sold out

(3) 首先,no one 和 anyone是指人的当然马上被排除啦,nothing 和none的区别在于 none强调的是数量上的没有,而且通常是已经确定了某样具体的对象以后 比如这里comic books。而nothing会用在比较抽象的地方
nothing 常见用法:there is nothing else. nothing is impossible.

none : none of them are teachers.

还有个特点,遇到nothing 后面谓语要用单数形式,而none要用复数。比如这题里面就是。

(4)something/anything/everything/nothing 这些不定代词后面如果有定语从句的话都用that连接,然后用动词单数形式 ,也就是 is/was, has, does 之类的 你可以理解为 所有抽象的词都要单数形式。(前面太快了看错了 这里应该选D)

原句里is everything that we need to do done? that we need to do 是定语从句 拿掉看主干就是 is everything (。。。)done?这样就好理解了 - 每件事都搞定了吗?done这个过去分词表示一种状态:已经搞定/完成了。而且这里主语是everything 所以用被动语态

(6)句中what we can其实是do的宾语 指做任何我们能做的 - 竭尽所能。暂且把它替换成something, we