地道地英文表达 这是我自己写的句子 觉得好像怪怪的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 03:32:41
In the following essay ,I would like to explore the causes of this complicated problem from different aspects and give some possible measures to solving it.


总体来说,这句这么写有些累赘,有凑字数的感觉。如果不用特别正式的话就简短点,只要说I would like to analyze the causes of this [complicated?] problem and provide potential solutions. 就足够了。

-In the following essay这段如果你是演讲什么的要用也可以,但如果这句在essay内,最好避免这种写法。
-From different aspects意思上没有错,但analyze本来就应该全面思考,再加这句修饰的话就有点啰嗦了。
-最后,我个人比较喜欢用“the reasons behind this problem”来取代“the causes of this problem”而显得稍微正式一点,但这样读者的理解可能有细微的变动,而我又不确定LZ写的到底是关于什么,就没有改这里。

In this essay, I am going to explore some causes to this problem from different aspects, and give some possible solutions.


to solving it 改成to solve it动词不定式后的动词原形

explore 换成analyze
give some possible solutions to it.

I would like to analyzethe the causes from different aspects of this complica