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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 11:36:03

圣诞狂欢购物节 XX名品第一波
首先为您介绍我们的主题活动: 1000元现金换购1500元全馆抵用券,再送500元全馆单品抵用券,(限购大衣、皮衣、貂衣三种商品使用)。注意:少数品牌不参加(The minority brand does not participate in this activity)
其次 活动期间凡在MONTBLANC(万宝龙)、VASTO(华斯度)、凯莱露喜、迪莱消费满2000元加赠海港大酒楼200元午茶券

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On Christmas shopping carnival festival,the first wave for famous brand XX

First of all, allow us to introduce the theme of our activities for you: 1,000 yuan in cash exchange for redemption ticket in value of 1500 yuan available in the whole store, at the same time we send you another redemption ticket of 500 yuan alone(but it’s only restricted to the purchase of coats, leather and mink clothing). Attention: the minority brand does not participate in this activity!

Secondly,if your consumption in MONTBLANC,VASTO,GLORIA,DELAY reaches 2,000 yuan during the activity,you will be presented a lunch-tea ticket of 200 yuan of Seaport Hotel in addition.

Finally, we would like to introduce for you that:
If your comsuption in the store reaches 3999 yuan,
We will send you for free a fashionable barbecue and three sets of exquisite sealed-bowl.

And for the comsuption over 6999 yuan,