
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 16:41:03
[摘 要]一个企业的成功发展离不开打造自己独特的企业文化及优秀的管理模式,正如一个成功发展的国家离不开优秀的民族文化一样。韩国经济在短短几十年内创造了发展的奇迹,取得了巨大的成功,成为迅速崛起的“亚洲四小龙”之一,其原因在于韩国企业在发展过程中培育出了自己的企业文化,同时也具备了与之文化相适应的赶里模式。但是另一方面,近几年来韩国企业在中国投资的过程中却出了很多问题,究其原因是因为任何管理模式都是根植于其特定文化之上的,民族文化系统与管理系统必须相适应。各国的管理模式在结构和技术上存在着趋同性,但领导方式和管理系统仍然具有文化的特性,因此难以改变。基于上述原理,有必要对韩国企业的文化及管理模式作一番探讨,从而提高企业经营者的管理能力。本文通过对韩国企业文化的背景、特性及其管理模式的介绍,从而为我国管理者进一步了解企业或跨文化企业管理中应注意的问题从而在企业经营上防止企业危机的产生等方面提供有益的启示。

An enterprise can not succeed without the unique company culture as well as the excellent method for management. It is the same like a successful developed country must has its proud native culture. The economy of Korea has achieved great success within a short period of time and which could be regarded as a miracle.


The success of an enterprise development can not create their own unique corporate culture and good management, as a successful developing country can not be separated from culture as good. Korean economy in a short period of decades has created a miracle of development and achieved great success and become the rapid rise of the "four little dragons in Asia," one of the reasons is that Korean companies in the development process has produced its own corporate culture and at the same time Also have with them culturally appropriate model in time. On the other hand, in recent years South Korean companies to invest