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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:33:05
摘 要:网络时代的到来使得经济的运作变得更加畅通无阻,从根本上改变了企业与顾客之间的关系。传统的以企业战略为中心的“企业-顾客”关系必须抛弃,适应时代的新型顾客关系将把顾客放在中心的位置,成为企业各项战略直接服务的对象,本文从网络时代企业与顾客之间的各种关系以及利用网络来处理企业与顾客之间的关系带来的利、弊和所面临的挑战进行详细阐述。希望对促进网络时代的企业与顾客关系形势的转变有一定的借鉴意义。相信在不久的将来网络时代的企业与顾客之间的关系会有更大更好的发展,企业管理和顾客所面临的挑战也会相继得到解决。


Abstract: The arrival of the Internet age makes the operation of the economy has become more free, fundamentally changed the business and customer relationships. Traditional business strategy centered on "business - customers," must be abandoned, to adapt to a new era of customer relationship customers will center on his position as the strategic enterprise services directly objects, in this article from the Internet Age business and customers As well as the relationships between the use of the network to deal with customers and business relations between the benefits and disadvantages faced by the challenges set out in detail. I hope to the promotion of the Internet Age business relations with customers from the changed situation to a certain extent be learned. I believe in the near future in the Internet Age business and the relationship between the customer will enjoy greater and better development, enterprise management and the challenges faced by customers will soon b