
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:29:26
1在这种情况下,及早解决是没大有希望的under the circumstances
under the circumstances,

2夏天公路上的汽车要比冬天多more than

3我们选聘人员担任重要职务时要考虑三个条件:教育程度,经验和业绩take into account
4国际互联网是20世纪80年代后期诞生,90年代发展起来的come into
5他和父母一起打乒乓球的时候,感到和他们最融洽fall into step
2随着高科技的发展,给电脑冲凉已经是很普遍的事了continual, take a shower
3我每次把这些数字相加,算出来的解惑都不同work out

4厂家应及时地接受顾客那里反馈来的信息feed back
5他停下话头,又点了一支烟,然后继续讲述那次事故go on

2 这里生活比过去容易多

1 你后半句有问题吧(及早解决是没大有希望的??到底有还是没有??)
It is hopeless to solve the problem as soon as possible under the circumstances.
2 夏天公路上的汽车要比冬天多
There are much more cars on the road in summer than that of in winter.
3 我们选聘人员担任重要职务时要考虑三个条件:教育程度,经验和业绩
We will take into account of three qualifications when employing personnel to take important positions, consisting of education, experience and outstanding achievements.
4 国际互联网是20世纪80年代后期诞生,90年代发展起来的
Internet came into being in the late 1980s, and got development in the 1990s.
5 他和父母一起打乒乓球的时候,感到和他们最融洽
He fell in step with his parents when playing table tennis with them.

1 他们似乎对该产业的未来信心不足
They don't seem confident enough in the future of this industry.
2 随着高科技的发展,给电脑冲凉已经是很普遍的事了
With the continual of high technology,it has become popular to take a shower for computers.
3 我每次把这些数字相加,算出来的解惑都不同
Every time I added these figures up, I got a differen