
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 16:27:34
1 Cultural infulences such as television and movies portray mostly a world in which respect that sustains civilization is vanishing from shools,families.这句里的in which respect这里不懂,希望能翻译下这个句子

2 nearly one out of three births in America is attributed to an unwed mother.Many of these children will grow up without a caring father and mother committed to each other.
这里的 committed to each other 怎么理解

3 They were born into families with poor reputations, not caring about keeping a good name.
这里不懂的是为什么要caring ?能分析一下这里的语法吗?

1 Cultural infulences such as television and movies portray mostly a world in which respect that sustains civilization is vanishing from shools,families.这句里的in which respect这里不懂,希望能翻译下这个句子
诸如电视、电影等传播文化影响的媒介常常刻画这样一个世界:在这个世界里(in which),维持文明的尊敬之情(respect这里作定语从句的主语)正在从学校和家庭中消失。

2 nearly one out of three births in America is attributed to an unwed mother.Many of these children will grow up without a caring father and mother committed to each other.
这里的 committed to each other 怎么理解

3 They were born into families with poor reputations, not caring about keeping a good name.
这里不懂的是为什么要caring ?能分析一下这里的语法吗?not caring是分词短语作定语,修饰families.不在意维护自己名声的、并且名声很糟糕的家庭

committed to each other 和他人沟通
caring 前面有 were