
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 21:23:44
翻译内容:各位先生们,女士们。大家好,今天,是大家一起来见证一个伟大的时刻,有请金先生和严小姐.金先生,你愿意娶严小姐为妻么?金先生:我愿意. 严小姐:你愿意嫁给金先生么?严小姐:我愿意. 请新郎新娘交换戒指...

司仪:good afternoon/morning,ladies and gentlemen, today, we are here to testimony the great moment. so let’s welcome our new pair- Mr.jin and Miss. yan,.
Mr.jin, would you like to take Miss.yan as your wife and precious her for a whole life?

Mr.jin: YES,I DO.

司仪:Miss.yan, would you like to take Mr.jin as your husband and take care of and with him for a whole life?

Miss.yan: YES, I DO.

司仪:now please exchange your rings.

Honorable Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today is that everyone will work together to witness a great moment, please, Mr. and Miss Yan. Mr. Jin, do you marry Miss Yan marry you? Mr. Jin: I would like to. Miss Yan: Are you willing to marry Mr. Jin you? Miss Yan: I would like to. Please the bride and groom exchanged rings ...

Good morning\afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.Today we are right here to witness the great moment.Now ,welcome Mr.Jing and Miss Yan.